NO-SELF - Discussion of the self illusion
Monday, November 12, 2012
It was said that three characters motivated Buddha on his journey towards "enlightenment", the old man, the sick man, and the dead man. One important notions transcends and connects these three individuals and that is direct confrontation with the notion of death and more importantly non-existence. At the basis of every "fear", lies the fear of non-existence. It sits like a house on a mouse directing the ego, shaping its interaction with the environment. The key to any significant spiritual evolution is direct confrontation with this underlying notion, and repeatedly telling it to "fuck itself sideways". In other words, calling this feeling what it is, simply a feeling with nothing substantial to support it. Stare at it, make peace with it, and call it what it is. "Fearing" non existence suggests that somehow non-existence is "worse" than existing. One very important problem is that assuming that you even exist is a judgment with no real substantivity either. You assume you exist because you seemingly sense yourself in relation to out there. You identify your thoughts as being connected to your 'self', isolated within your specific entity. But as talked about previously, quantum physics clearly demonstrates the non locality of consciousness and demonstrates that "thought" can and does alter outward experiences. The truth of the matter is you do not exist as an individual self, this is simply an illusion of thought identification. If anything, you/I/they/it only exist as a aspect of consciousness which is being creatively expressed. Every experience is an expression of consciousness, and in reality, the experiencer and the experienced are one in the same. There is no 'I' to experience anything/exist, there is only consciousness creating the illusion of the experiencer and the experienced. So although fear based responses have to be perfect, as they are creative expressions of consciousness, the absurdity of fearing non-existence/death should be apparent, because what was existing was never understood to begin with. REPLACE FEAR WITH LOVE. Love for the world, love for each "individual", love for the show which is being created/experienced simultaneously. Every day can be a celestial thrill, a beautiful journey to nowheresville, captained by a no-self.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
What is creativity and why would such a thing exist? Well Ill say for the most part, humanity defines creativity(and it synonyms/equivalent in various languages) as the development of something new, original, and seemingly deviant from previous patterns. If we would apply our conceptual knowledge of quantum actions, creativity would be the small chance that an electron can appear anywhere in time space. For me, creativity is simply a discontinuous leap from previous patterns, to a new pattern. But with a universe that seems so deterministic at the material level, how is it possible for such a jump in pattern to develop with cause being something within the seemingly deterministic system. It seems that any event of creative expression must come from outside a deterministic system. Its at this point that our view of what consciousness is can take form. Consciousness and creativity are synonymous, just as consciousness leads to the collapse of a quantum particle into existence, creativity can be said to lead to the collapse. Every experience we have ever had, has been a creative expression of consciousness which connects not only each person, but the whole of existence. But our next logical question is why do the same experiences keep repeating for each of us if every experience is a new creative expression. This is where we can first call attention to the notion of the ego, not in a freudian sense, but as a symbol for our tendency towards static experience, our illusion of separateness from "out there", and the many false layers of "personality" which we use to define "self". Basically, the ego wants to repeat experiences because it develops from within the materialistic framework. From a psychology point of view, the ego would be the sum of our conditioned responses to experience. Consciousness responds to the ego by creating similar experiences which cause similar emotions. In simple terms the ego is the limiting factor of our experiences, and choosing similar responses/reactions to these experiences keeps "the self" in a loop, a tangled hierarchal system. But once the ego is confronted with the notion that it is not infinite, and "the world" it seems to experience is not "real", responses to the repeated experiences now change. With this change in response/reaction comes a moment when consciousness/possibility can intervene and create a new experience, a new collapse of the quantum field. And this repeating intervention of consciousness is the engine that can drive the evolution of the self, and the evolution of the new human. Everyday choose different responses/reactions to situations, one that aimed in the direction of love/understanding/appreciation, and the self will change. These new responses will be conditioned and eventually will become the majority response, leading to a complete evolution of the individual. Over time we can grow to love the whole of experience unconditionally, to be in total excitement at all times, and to have infinite appreciation. -Consciousness and Creativity -Consciousness and Creativity
Friday, May 25, 2012
The Hologram
I mentioned the idea that the world we know probably(almost certainly) exists only as waves of possible experiences that we interpret and project into 4 dimensions(space/time)(time develops from a series of 3 dimensional images, we create it to connect moments together). As strange as this seems, this is the one and only solution to not only the double slit experiment, but many other similar experiments which I have shown in previous posts. Its anyones guess to why this mechanism exists, but to me the whole purpose seems to be to create an experience which "causes" a very specific emotional reaction(your entire life has been a series of experiences coupled with emotional reactions/responses, those of which assigned power to these experiences). Basically we go through life hoping we will experience "good" things, while doing our best to avoid the "bad" experiences. We develop what we refer to as fear for the "bad" experiences and "love" for the good ones. Well, if this is our only purpose, it should be very clear to you reading this, and any other person, that we have done a pretty fucked up job of regulating this dynamic. It seems to me that the world is full of "bad" experiences, in most cases seemingly outnumbering the good ones. I spent a long time obsessed with the simple notion of helping a world which I viewed as suffering. I always wondered why I was lucky enough to have most of my needs met when there were no many suffering. To be honest Ive never really grown past this, and I am still fairly attached to this notion, primarily saving people from themselves. That voice in your head which judges every experience to be good or bad, that seems to be constant and unending, is the very thing that needs to be destroyed. There is absolutely no foundation for any judgement anyone has ever had. Not only this, but judgement is the source of all individual suffering. Like I stated before, this all comes back to the notion of an infinite being faced with ideas of a finite existence. We fight and claw to maintain our existence, we crash through walls and burn barriers. Life cannot be stopped. But up to this point in history, that drive for existence has shaped evolution. But now its time for something different. Its time to imagine a world where we recognize our infinite nature, where we look at the world with wonder and love as opposed to fear. This can be done if you only acknowledge your intuition that some part of you is infinite. Its not your personality, body, or idea, the most basic level of your being is infinite and can only be infinite. Once this is acknowledged, it should be clear that theres is no reason to fear any experience because no real harm can come to that infinite self. Evolution can now proceed under these new conditions, with the selective force no longer being simple survival. In fact, under these new conditions, the only "thing" responsible for your evolution is you, you decide how do evolve as an individual no longer at the whim of the collective. This is the new frontier for humanity, and the solution to many of the immanent problems facing our "world". The solution is tapping into our infinite, creative ability and beginning to design a new world under new guidelines(good news is theres evidence this process is already occurring). Theres no reason to fear life, and only reason to have fun, enjoy, and appreciate the ongoing show. BE THE CHANGE YOU WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD. - Just A Ride - Just A Ride
Saturday, May 19, 2012
For as long as I remember, Ive been obsessed with the idea of infinity. It was first mention to me in school and its irked me ever since. I felt like they just glossed over that concept, as though it fit in the neat, organized subject matter of mathematics. It doesn't. It wasn't until later that I found that my obsession stemmed straight from the deepest depths of not only mine, but every individual's existence. Each of us feels infinite, despite what the "world" suggests, despite what our body suggests, and despite what death suggests. This feeling of infinity in the face of death is the source of all fears, judgments, and pain in this world. Everything stems stems straight from this, and with good reason. When something that feels that it is infinite is somehow inserted into a finite, "timed" existence I imagine it doesn't react very nicely. So what we have is a world of beings which feel that they are infinite inserted is physical bodies which seem to be anything but. Ive taken several materialistic science classes(i.e. anatomy, physiology, cell biology, histology, physics, chemistry(organic and inorganic etc) and the important idea which Ive taken from these is that calling our bodies anything less than perfect, beautiful physical systems is absurd. Two billion reactions have to occur perfectly in unison every second for any of us to simply stay "alive". If even the slightest gear goes awry, you enter the horrific world of pathology and in most cases an end to a specific existence. Basically, the first place where I clearly looked into the face of infinity is in analysis of the body. But this is not the only place where infinity hides. As Ive progressed in whatever transformation is occurring within me, infinity appears in any direction which my attention is focused, I am immersed and surrounded by it. Its found in the particles which make up this keyboard, in a drop of water traveling from facet to sink, and in the eyes of every individual Ive met. The next step may seem a jump, but to me, having experienced this amazing, perfect feeling many times by now, the only possible response seems for me to be to love my environment(universe)(world) unconditionally, along with all things/beings which inhabit it. They are expressions of me and I am an expression of it, and I feel in my deepest depths that this dance between us is infinite, that this physical world is an expression of this perfect dance. WE ARE THIS INFINITE DANCE, and physical death is simply a change in perspective of the dancer. Just as was hinted at so nicely in the Matrix(haha) this physical world is meant to disguise our infinite nature, to make it seem as though we are simply a victim of it and not creators of it. But each individual has the potential to explode beyond this seemingly limited state and become something much greater and more deeply connected with its infinite and creative depths. MAKE YOUR WORLD, DONT BE A VICTIM OF IT.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Inner VS Outer Worlds
This post will focus on the contrast between our inner and outer worlds. this really relates to the aspect of our experience which is known only to ourselves( IE thoughts and feelings) in relation to the shared external environment. To us, the seemingly objective external world seems orderly, and limited by the laws of physics( i.e. gravity, time, space). It seems as though it is operating independently of us(our thoughts). Our physical body is a part of this external world, and is able to interact with it. Basically the external world seems real, objective, and shared by all individuals(there seems to be a general consensus that it exists as it is). But when we analyze our internal worlds, the exact opposite of all these things are true. The laws of physics are completely irrelevant, along with time. Thoughts and feelings are abstract, fleeting things, passing into and out of existence at times before we are even aware of them. Close your eyes are you can project any image you would like into the darkness. The internal world is limitless. Now if I relate this back to my previous post, as well as what quantum physics shows, it seems at though the internal world is more similar to the quantum world(spooky action at a distance, nonlocal phenomena, electrons exists in multiple places at a time). Now if we follow the current materialistic paradigm(that everything is material) we have to assume that this internal world is simply a phenomena of the brain. However, if we accept the idea that consciousness is more primary, it now becomes clear that not only do we have a direct connection to consciousness which directly affects the quantum world, but the activity of our minds is a representation of this relationship in the physical. Consciousness controls the material world, therefore we control/create the material world including our body, brain, whatever(the brain is an physical object just as anything else). However, the main catch in this idea was talked about in the videos I posted with Amit Goswami being interviewed. We normally operate at the most superficial level of consciousness, that of our ego. The universe is collapsed into existence at the level of consciousness where everything is one( i.e. no individual ego), therefore in order to affect the material world directly, you must be in a non-ordinary state of consciousness. Here are some videos illustrating these ideas. - consciousness drives the universe - Joseph Dispenza, D.C ON The Brain, Quantum Physics & The Observor and Creating Your Day(part 1) 2) 3)
Friday, April 20, 2012
The Evolution of the Self
This blog is an attempt to both discuss the evolution occurring within myself, as well as the evolution I see occurring within our environment(the world, the hologram, people). These changes are not only a necessary step in human development, but also a necessary step for the development of the individual self and of conciousness as a whole.
Its first necessary to define the underlying principles which seem to be signaling this shift in perspective of the world and the self. First I will attack the very things that holds our world paradigm in place, that is, the ideas that the universe is made of matter, operates in a deterministic fashion(which our current materialistic paradigm suggests), that the principle of locality exists(communication can only occur through the exchange of signals and is subject to the universal speed limit, the speed of light), and that consciousness is a epiphenomena of matter(known as upward causation). Here are several videos which disprove each of these principles, illustrating the need for a reformation of our current materialist scientific paradigm, Double Slit Experiment Dr. Amit Goswami discussing the implications of quantum principles on the nature of reality Illustrates illusion of time/free will Dr. Amit Goswami interview
This first post is simply aimed at provided issues/paradoxes which develop within the materialistic worldview. It is less personal and more about laying the framework for future explanations of my experience. However I do want to discuss the basic implications of the double slit experiment as this is the one which truly opened me up to the idea of reality beyond the material world. What this experiment illustrates is that we as observers are necessary to collapse waves into particles, or in more basic terms, the observer is needed to create the everyday reality which we perceive as our experience of self and the environment. Without an observer, particles remain simply possibilities(when an electron is not observed it exists as infinite potentials, in all locations within time and space). This fact creates a serious problem for the general materialistic worldview which suggests that the observers are simply material themselves, as this would imply direct communication without the exchange of signals( i.e. the principle of locality is broken). What this experiment really shows is that that the universe is not made of matter, but made of consciousness. Consciousness rather than simply being an epiphenomenon of matter, is more primary, as is the source of the both the subject and the object in experience(i.e. the self and the environment). Another way of the looking at this is that the universe(including the individuals within) is actually a hologram projected by consciousness for the purpose of experience. I repeat, the purpose is for experience, this is the purpose of all existence. This may seem like a huge jump, but its a necessary one for understanding the implications of quantum phenomenon. Dr. Amit Goswami does a better job explaining in the above videos, in a logical seemingly scientific manner. I also recommend his book Self Aware Universe, his documentary Quantum Activist, and any of his other books. Like I stated before, future posts will have a more personal feel, specifically my observations and experiences which have, and are occurring in my ongoing transformation. I leave you with this, because of this information my life(and outlook of life) has completely changed over the passed three years. My anxiety about life is quickly dwindling, along with my fears. Most importantly my excitement for simply existing is growing exponentially. Basically I feel every experience Ive has come back to not only educate me about what I am, but most importantly what Im not and what existence seems to be. I feel very strongly that this information is meant for every individual and I hope it transforms their lives as it has mine. More details in future posts.
Its first necessary to define the underlying principles which seem to be signaling this shift in perspective of the world and the self. First I will attack the very things that holds our world paradigm in place, that is, the ideas that the universe is made of matter, operates in a deterministic fashion(which our current materialistic paradigm suggests), that the principle of locality exists(communication can only occur through the exchange of signals and is subject to the universal speed limit, the speed of light), and that consciousness is a epiphenomena of matter(known as upward causation). Here are several videos which disprove each of these principles, illustrating the need for a reformation of our current materialist scientific paradigm, Double Slit Experiment Dr. Amit Goswami discussing the implications of quantum principles on the nature of reality Illustrates illusion of time/free will Dr. Amit Goswami interview
This first post is simply aimed at provided issues/paradoxes which develop within the materialistic worldview. It is less personal and more about laying the framework for future explanations of my experience. However I do want to discuss the basic implications of the double slit experiment as this is the one which truly opened me up to the idea of reality beyond the material world. What this experiment illustrates is that we as observers are necessary to collapse waves into particles, or in more basic terms, the observer is needed to create the everyday reality which we perceive as our experience of self and the environment. Without an observer, particles remain simply possibilities(when an electron is not observed it exists as infinite potentials, in all locations within time and space). This fact creates a serious problem for the general materialistic worldview which suggests that the observers are simply material themselves, as this would imply direct communication without the exchange of signals( i.e. the principle of locality is broken). What this experiment really shows is that that the universe is not made of matter, but made of consciousness. Consciousness rather than simply being an epiphenomenon of matter, is more primary, as is the source of the both the subject and the object in experience(i.e. the self and the environment). Another way of the looking at this is that the universe(including the individuals within) is actually a hologram projected by consciousness for the purpose of experience. I repeat, the purpose is for experience, this is the purpose of all existence. This may seem like a huge jump, but its a necessary one for understanding the implications of quantum phenomenon. Dr. Amit Goswami does a better job explaining in the above videos, in a logical seemingly scientific manner. I also recommend his book Self Aware Universe, his documentary Quantum Activist, and any of his other books. Like I stated before, future posts will have a more personal feel, specifically my observations and experiences which have, and are occurring in my ongoing transformation. I leave you with this, because of this information my life(and outlook of life) has completely changed over the passed three years. My anxiety about life is quickly dwindling, along with my fears. Most importantly my excitement for simply existing is growing exponentially. Basically I feel every experience Ive has come back to not only educate me about what I am, but most importantly what Im not and what existence seems to be. I feel very strongly that this information is meant for every individual and I hope it transforms their lives as it has mine. More details in future posts.
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