Thursday, July 5, 2012


What is creativity and why would such a thing exist? Well Ill say for the most part, humanity defines creativity(and it synonyms/equivalent in various languages) as the development of something new, original, and seemingly deviant from previous patterns. If we would apply our conceptual knowledge of quantum actions, creativity would be the small chance that an electron can appear anywhere in time space. For me, creativity is simply a discontinuous leap from previous patterns, to a new pattern. But with a universe that seems so deterministic at the material level, how is it possible for such a jump in pattern to develop with cause being something within the seemingly deterministic system. It seems that any event of creative expression must come from outside a deterministic system. Its at this point that our view of what consciousness is can take form. Consciousness and creativity are synonymous, just as consciousness leads to the collapse of a quantum particle into existence, creativity can be said to lead to the collapse. Every experience we have ever had, has been a creative expression of consciousness which connects not only each person, but the whole of existence. But our next logical question is why do the same experiences keep repeating for each of us if every experience is a new creative expression. This is where we can first call attention to the notion of the ego, not in a freudian sense, but as a symbol for our tendency towards static experience, our illusion of separateness from "out there", and the many false layers of "personality" which we use to define "self". Basically, the ego wants to repeat experiences because it develops from within the materialistic framework. From a psychology point of view, the ego would be the sum of our conditioned responses to experience. Consciousness responds to the ego by creating similar experiences which cause similar emotions. In simple terms the ego is the limiting factor of our experiences, and choosing similar responses/reactions to these experiences keeps "the self" in a loop, a tangled hierarchal system. But once the ego is confronted with the notion that it is not infinite, and "the world" it seems to experience is not "real", responses to the repeated experiences now change. With this change in response/reaction comes a moment when consciousness/possibility can intervene and create a new experience, a new collapse of the quantum field. And this repeating intervention of consciousness is the engine that  can drive the evolution of the self, and the evolution of the new human. Everyday choose different responses/reactions to situations, one that aimed in the direction of love/understanding/appreciation, and the self will change. These new responses will be conditioned and eventually will become the majority  response, leading to a complete evolution of the individual. Over time we can grow to love the whole of experience unconditionally, to be in total excitement at all times, and to have infinite appreciation. -Consciousness and Creativity