Monday, November 12, 2012


It was said that three characters motivated Buddha on his journey towards "enlightenment", the old man, the sick man, and the dead man. One important notions transcends and connects these three individuals and that is direct confrontation with the notion of death and more importantly non-existence. At the basis of every "fear", lies the fear of non-existence. It sits like a house on a mouse directing the ego, shaping its interaction with the environment. The key to any significant spiritual evolution is direct confrontation with this underlying notion, and repeatedly telling it to "fuck itself sideways". In other words, calling this feeling what it is, simply a feeling with nothing substantial to support it. Stare at it, make peace with it, and call it what it is. "Fearing" non existence suggests that somehow non-existence is "worse" than existing. One very important problem is that assuming that you even exist is a judgment with no real substantivity either. You assume you exist because you seemingly sense yourself in relation to out there. You identify your thoughts as being connected to your 'self', isolated within your specific entity. But as talked about previously, quantum physics clearly demonstrates the non locality of consciousness and demonstrates that "thought" can and does alter outward experiences. The truth of the matter is you do not exist as an individual self, this is simply an illusion of thought identification. If anything, you/I/they/it only exist as a aspect of consciousness which is being creatively expressed. Every experience is an expression of consciousness, and in reality, the experiencer and the experienced are one in the same. There is no 'I' to experience anything/exist, there is only consciousness creating the illusion of the experiencer and the experienced. So although fear based responses have to be perfect, as they are creative expressions of consciousness, the absurdity of fearing non-existence/death should be apparent, because what was existing was never understood to begin with. REPLACE FEAR WITH LOVE. Love for the world, love for each "individual", love for the show which is being created/experienced simultaneously. Every day can be a celestial thrill, a beautiful journey to nowheresville, captained by a no-self.

NO-SELF - Discussion of the self illusion