This post will focus on the contrast between our inner and outer worlds. this really relates to the aspect of our experience which is known only to ourselves( IE thoughts and feelings) in relation to the shared external environment. To us, the seemingly objective external world seems orderly, and limited by the laws of physics( i.e. gravity, time, space). It seems as though it is operating independently of us(our thoughts). Our physical body is a part of this external world, and is able to interact with it. Basically the external world seems real, objective, and shared by all individuals(there seems to be a general consensus that it exists as it is). But when we analyze our internal worlds, the exact opposite of all these things are true. The laws of physics are completely irrelevant, along with time. Thoughts and feelings are abstract, fleeting things, passing into and out of existence at times before we are even aware of them. Close your eyes are you can project any image you would like into the darkness. The internal world is limitless. Now if I relate this back to my previous post, as well as what quantum physics shows, it seems at though the internal world is more similar to the quantum world(spooky action at a distance, nonlocal phenomena, electrons exists in multiple places at a time). Now if we follow the current materialistic paradigm(that everything is material) we have to assume that this internal world is simply a phenomena of the brain. However, if we accept the idea that consciousness is more primary, it now becomes clear that not only do we have a direct connection to consciousness which directly affects the quantum world, but the activity of our minds is a representation of this relationship in the physical. Consciousness controls the material world, therefore we control/create the material world including our body, brain, whatever(the brain is an physical object just as anything else). However, the main catch in this idea was talked about in the videos I posted with Amit Goswami being interviewed. We normally operate at the most superficial level of consciousness, that of our ego. The universe is collapsed into existence at the level of consciousness where everything is one( i.e. no individual ego), therefore in order to affect the material world directly, you must be in a non-ordinary state of consciousness. Here are some videos illustrating these ideas.
There are things in this world that surpass time. The underlying desire for life and consciousness to happen is one of them. The fact that we are here and now able to think and analyze the world puts us at the pinnacle, but even though we had stepped outside the rules of our immediate nature, we cannot escape the movement of life and death. We are also at the mercy of those internal worlds, our emotions, but we can step out of this reality subconsciously and also manipulate it subconsciously.